New Short Videos from ALOUD

We hope you’ve spent many evenings with ALOUD at the Central Library, hearing from some of the most groundbreaking artists, authors, scientists, and thinkers of our time. Now, whenever and wherever you have a couple minutes to unwind, you can catch up on illuminating moments from the programs you missed or you want to experience again. Over the years, we’ve been archiving full programs through podcasts and videos, and now we are excited to share with you a new series of short videos highlighting a few favorite moments from some recent programs. Take a short break with ALOUD and enjoy!

“Even at the most dramatic, there’s still a sense of playfulness,” said moderator Elvis Mitchell of Scott McCloud’s graphic novels. Hear how McCloud has made humor his ally.

“It was March, a light snow was falling…” reads Bill T. Jones from his book Story/Time: The Life of an Idea. Watch as the dancers Talli Jackson and Erick Montes Chavero bring to life Jones’ memory of an evening 24 years ago in this beautiful performance at ALOUD.

“Over the next several days, I nearly lost my mind…” begins actor Reza Safai as he read from the deeply personal diary of Mohamedou Ould Slahi, a man still imprisoned at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp, but who has never been charged with a crime. This is part one of a three-part short video series, which includes a conversation with Slahi’s lawyer, Nancy Hollander, and activist and editor of Slahi’s book, Larry Siems.

Watch over 100 short clips and full programs on ALOUD’s Vimeo page.

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