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Welcome to the coziest fundraiser of the year!

Now in its 29th year, the Stay Home and Read a Book Ball is the Library Foundation of Los Angeles’ oldest and most popular fundraising campaign! All you have to do is grab a book and support the Los Angeles Public Library from the comfort of your own home (or anywhere you please).

Lovers of the Library receive invitations to participate and celebrate one of the City’s most vital institutions and what it means: helping students succeed, engaging the imagination, and investing in lifelong learning.

Share your love of the Los Angeles Public Library when you RSVP to this “non-event” today! Your donation–of any amount that you are able–directly supports the Library’s educational and cultural programs, including the award-winning ALOUD series, Adult Literacy Services, and Student Zones.

All Stay Home and Read a Book Ball contributions are fully tax-deductible. No goods, services, or benefits are provided, and is not a contribution towards Membership.

To learn more about the Stay Home and Read a Book Ball, please contact Kelsey Picken, Membership Director, at 213.292.6242 or [email protected].

Colson Whitehead

“As Coolio once said, ‘Ain’t no party like a L.A. Library Party…so why not kick back with some Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Kelly Link, what have you — you’ll be glad you did!'”

Rebecca Solnit

“A row of books is a street of houses; a library is a city of books, and the ability to read gives you an invitation into every one. Reading is time travel and teleportation; it’s the ability to meet people far away and long ago, to leap from world to world, to live impossibly and deeply.”

George Saunders

“One of my favorite things to do is accept an invitation to a big, stressful event for which I have to get dressed up, then decline at the last minute and stay home in my sweatpants and read a great book.  What a relief!  The regained hours are like a balm to my soul.  I’d like to offer you the opportunity to perform an expedited version of this, in which you accept our invitation and decline it simultaneously.  In this way, you can eliminate those agonizing days during which you are dreading that you might actually have to go. You don’t, you won’t!  You are on the hook and then blissfully off it, with one simple reply to this note.”

Charles Yu

“As a child, you know it, as an adult, the memory will sometimes come rushing back: the Library is like no other place in the universe. When you step inside, you enter a terminal, a hub, Grand Central Station for millions of other universes. Trains are departing now—go board one soon.”