This program is currently closed to reservations.
To be added to the waitlist, please email Sharon Padua, Director of Major and Planned Gifts, at with your name, email address, and telephone number. We will contact you if a space becomes available.
Our website is updated frequently – please check back for updates.
The best first-person narratives are as much about “the who” as “the what”; as in who’s telling the story and why. In this one-day seminar on personal narrative, accomplished writer and editor, Dinah Lenney, will lead a thoughtful and engaging discussion that looks at a sampling of published memoirs and personal essays to explore a range of strategies for discovering our best material and getting it to the page. Participants will play with prompts to activate memory and imagination, and to develop the balance between narration and reflection—that is “show and tell”—so rewarding for writers and readers of creative nonfiction.
This is a free program that will be held in the Woodland Hills Public Library. Space is limited, so please respond early. For more information, please contact Sharon Padua, Director of Major and Planned Gifts, at or 213.292.6268.
Reservation and Wait-list Policy
LFLA Members will receive advance notice to make reservations, before being open to the general public.
Reservations will be taken until the program is full, at which point a waiting list will be maintained. If you or anyone in your party can no longer attend, please inform us ahead of time to the best of your ability so we can keep an accurate reservation count as well as accommodate other guests who wish to attend. If you are on the waiting list and a reserved guest cancels, the Library Foundation will contact you regarding availability.