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** We are no longer accepting online reservations for this program. **

To make a reservation, please email Sharon Padua, Director of Major and Planned Gifts, at [email protected] with 1) your name, 2) email address and 3) telephone number.

 Join poet Steven Reigns as he guides participants throughout the tricky and tough terrain of poetry writing as memoir. Learn how to excavate past experiences and transform them into condensed, well-crafted, concise poetry. Expect a supportive environment to explore autobiographical poetry and to do some in-class writing.

While poetry can sometimes be enshrouded in mystery, elitism, or rigid rules, this program will offer a break from all that. This seminar is ideal for both experienced poets and those who have never written a poem before.

This is a free program that will be held at the Woodland Hills Library from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm. Space is limited, so please respond early. For more information, please contact Sharon Padua, Director of Major and Planned Gifts, at [email protected] or 213.292.6268.


Reservation and Wait-list Policy

LFLA Members will receive advance notice to make reservations, before being open to the general public.

Reservations will be taken until the program is full, at which point a waiting list will be maintained. If you can no longer attend, please inform us ahead of time to the best of your ability. If you are on the waiting list and a reserved guest cancels, the Library Foundation will contact you regarding availability.

Steven Reigns

Steven Reigns is a Los Angeles-based poet and educator and was appointed the first Poet Laureate of West Hollywood. He has published two collections and dozens of chapbooks. He edited My Life is Poetry, showcasing his students’ work from the first-ever autobiographical poetry workshop for LGBT seniors. Reigns has lectured and taught writing workshops around the country to LGBT youth and people living with HIV. Currently he is touring The Gay Rub, an exhibition of rubbings from LGBT landmarks, facilitates the monthly Lambda Lit Book Club, and is at work on a new collection of poetry.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the reservation/wait-list policy for this seminar?
    Due to room capacity and the interactive nature of this program, program space will be limited to no more than 40. Once that capacity is reached, we will maintain a waitlist. If you need to cancel your reservation, please let us know as soon as possible.
  • Where should I park?
    The Woodland Hills Library has a parking lot with limited spaces. There is also street parking available -- please pay attention to parking signs. Allow enough time to find parking.
  • What should I bring?
    This is an interactive workshop. Please bring a pen and a notebook and/or a laptop. Be prepared for an engaging discussion with Steven and fellow participants!