Join the Library Foundation of Los Angeles and the law firm Sidley Austin LLP for a special reception and screening of RBG, the documentary exploring the life and career of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
At the age of 85, Justice Ginsburg, already has a lengthy legal legacy, but she has also become a pop culture icon. This documentary, which premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, chronicles her unique personal journey. The New York Times described the film as “a loving and informative documentary portrait.”
Prior to the screening, Jennifer J. Clark, a partner in Sidley’s Supreme Court and Appellate group, will provide brief remarks about serving as a clerk to Justice Ginsburg.
LFLA Members are invited to enjoy an exclusive reception before the screening. This event is open to LFLA Contributor-level Members and above. To join or upgrade and gain access to this event, please visit
6:00 PM: Reception begins
7:15 PM: Screening begins
Learn more about the RBG documentary here.
Critical praise for RBG:
What makes it memorable is its portrait of a woman with an exceptional intellect, to be sure, but also a lifelong capacity for staggering amounts of minutely detailed, unswervingly purposeful work.
– Joe Morgenstern, The Wall Street Journal
The movie’s touch is light and its spirit buoyant, but there is no mistaking its seriousness or its passion. Those qualities resonate powerfully in the dissents that may prove to be Justice Ginsburg’s most enduring legacy, and RBG is, above all, a tribute to her voice.
– A. O. Scott, The New York Times
..there is something deeply soothing about RBG, a documentary that, like its subject, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is eminently sober, well-mannered, highly intelligent, scrupulous and just a teeny-weeny bit reassuringly dull.
–Leslie Felperin, The Hollywood Reporter
Co-presented with Sidley Austin LLP.

Sidley has long provided unique opportunities for women in the law, embracing uniqueness in background, experience, and viewpoints for a greater wellspring of talent. This credo has led Sidley to become both a successful global law firm and a professional services workplace where women thrive. At Sidley, women have cultivated careers, challenged their legal skills, risen to partnership, become leaders as well as role models, and become inspirations for future generations.