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Incarceration Nations:
A Journey to Justice in Prisons Around the World

Baz Dreisinger, Scott Budnick
In conversation with Scott Budnick, president, Anti-Recidivism Coalition
March 23, 2016

As mass incarceration has reached record levels, professor, journalist, and visionary founder of the Prison to College Pipeline (P2CP), Baz Dreisinger has traveled behind bars in nine countries to rethink the state of justice in a global context. Her eye-opening new book, Incarceration Nations, offers a first-person odyssey through the modern prison systems of the world and gives voices to the millions silenced behind bars. In conversation with Scott Budnick of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition, Dreisinger discusses her timely work and urges for a massive overhaul in prison reform in the U.S. and across the globe.

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