Giving Thanks for the Los Angeles Public Library

We are grateful for the free educational and cultural programs of the Los Angeles Public Library every day of the year, but as we approach Thanksgiving there are a few special happenings that we can really give thanks for. From Thanksgiving storytimes to crafting festive flying turkeys, check out some of these upcoming Thanksgiving-themed programs taking place at branches throughout the city.
Thanksgiving meal photo from the LAPL Photo Collection, November 24, 1965.

Thanksgiving Storytime
Vernon – Leon H. Washington Jr. Memorial Branch Library
November 16, 3:30 PM
Join us for for a special storytime and craft to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Make a Mini Pumpkin Turkey!
Benjamin Franklin Branch Library
November 16, 4:00 PM
Give thanks this wonderful Thanksgiving by making a pumpkin turkey! All materials will be provided.

KidCraft: Thanksgiving Wreath
Will & Ariel Durant Branch Library
November 16, 2017 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Celebrate Thanksgiving with us by making a leaves wreath and writing on each leaf or several leaves, all that you are grateful for. Then take the wreath home and maybe place it on your door in time for Thanksgiving!

Make-It Monday: Thanksgiving Storytime and Craft
Arroyo Seco Regional Library
November 20, 4:00 PM
Celebrate Thanksgiving with friends, stories, songs, and crafting a Thankful Turkey book!

Thanksgiving Storytime and Craft
Junipero Serra Branch Library
November 21, 4:00 PM
Listen to stories all about Thanksgiving and make delicious holiday pie in a cup.

Teen Thanksgiving Celebration
Los Feliz Branch Library
November 21, 4:00 PM
It’s Thanksgiving time.  Let’s do crafts and eat snacks.  Make new friends.

Flying Turkey Craft
John Muir Branch Library
November 21, 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Join us and create festive flying turkeys.  Watch your turkeys soar.  Happy Thanksgiving!

If you are feeling thankful for the Los Angeles Public Library this season, become a Member of the Library Foundation to support the civic, cultural, and educational core of our community.

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