LAist helped us get the word out about our “Rocket’s Red Glare” program with Edgar Arceneaux (director of the Watts House Project), Douglas Kearney (poet-performer), and Darrell Alejandro Holnes (Poetry Society of America). What a transformative talk. But don’t take our word for it, read what one attendee had to say:
“I was blown away by the conversation we witnessed. As I got in the elevator, a woman I did not know asked me if I didn’t think it the evenings was incredible. I responded that it was the best conversation I had ever witnessed at ALOUD. She agreed but went on to say that it was the most amazing conversation she had heard anywhere, ever. Kudos. I went out of interest in the Watts House Project and all the politics of the Watts Towers area. I had no idea what I was to experience”
Podcast coming soon!